Few would question the importance of the Internet in today’s political campaign climate. Although traditional marketing methods are still very relevant, online campaigning has become more and more important as our world turns digital. Campaigns on the national, regional, and even local scale require the expertise of an online political consultant to push them beyond the competition.

In a recent interview with Think Google, Republican political strategist Matthew Gagnon said that “in the marketing puzzle, you’re going to have to include a large online piece into that puzzle. Essentially, you’re going to have to do that as part of an integrated strategy.” (http://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/insights/library/videos/online-political-campaigning/)

That second line hit the nail on the head. A strategy for online campaigning, whether it be for a cause, referendum, candidate, or party, needs to be a part of the whole marketing strategy ñ not just a sideshow or independent endeavor.

Google highlights this with an infographic showing how a good strategy needs to be put together. The information contained in this graphic applies to all campaigns, large or small. The difference is merely a matter of scale and fine-tuning the points herein to match the constituency being targeted. (http://mashable.com/2012/07/24/google-politics/)

It boils down to two simple facts: most people no longer get their information from only one or two sources and nearly everyone uses devices (mobile or not) to access the Internet for more information on topics of importance to them (i.e. politics).

Given this, a campaign in a relatively well-connected area where most people have moderate to high affluence would need to target the mobile Web to access the large number of people in that area who will be going online using smart phones and tablets. All campaigns, regardless of size, should aim for personal computers online (i.e. have a website and/or blog). All campaigns should also be utilizing social media in some way. Other integrations with the marketing campaign as a whole should include posting campaign ads on YouTube, the possibility of using social media feedback and commentary in ads shown on television or in print, and more.

So while the message the campaign extends remains simple, the way it’s communicated is changing every day. As your campaign consultant, I can show you how to integrate the latest online outreach with your grassroots and organized marketing for your campaign.


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books i' ve written

  • Do It Yourself Online Reputation Management
  • Checked-In: How To Use Gowalla, Foursquare and Other Geo-Location Applications For Fun and Profit
  • Socially Elected: How To Win Elections Using Social Media